Sunday, May 23, 2010

Out of Prague.

One week in Prague was enough. I have such mixed feelings about that city. Parts of it are so beautiful, so surreal, a fairytale city. Other parts are neglected and dirty, coming out of the train station in theses places is like stepping back into communist Prague. The scars of communism are far from healed in this place; they are all over this city still. Even in the beautiful parts , you can still feel it. I feel like the city is so fake, they make the wall and structures look beautiful, but they’ve neglected the hearts. This city restores architecture, but not hearts; they’re trying to make the hurt go away on their own, not realizing that the only way the city will ever really be changed is with Jesus. It is so obvious looking into they eyes of the people, no one is investing and encouraging them; there is no hope, but this is why there is no hope: there is no Jesus (obviously Jesus is in Prague, but this is something different). In the States (and most western countries) people have heard the gospel, they know of the Cross, they’ve been told the Story. Wether or not they choose Him is another story, but at least they have the option. Here in Prague, most people haven’t ever heard, they have no idea who this God really is, this God that desires them, pursues them, romances them. Because of communism most people under fifty haven’t really even heard about this good, loving God and His Son. People haven’t really shared the gospel; they haven’t sown seeds of hope. When you look into eyes, you see that there is no hope waiting to be grown.
In the middle of the night during our burn (twenty-four hours of worship and prayer) a few people on my team were talking about this, and it really hit me: people have never heard. Over and over again I could hear the Lord say, “They’ve never heard. They’ve never heard. They’ve never heard.” I realized that I don’t care about seeing healings, I don’t care about getting words of knowledge, I don’t care about outreach stories. I just want them to hear. I want to share the greatest love I will ever know, I want to plant seeds, I want to give hope. I want to share Jesus.

I'm going a little out of order, but I will be posting more on Prague, Berlin, and Herrnhut soon.


  1. i feel as though calibretto strongly agrees.

  2. So good Kristin!
    It's hard to even think about the overwhelming number of people who haven't heard. I'm praying for you today, that He will enable you and allow you to tell just one person today!
    Bless you dear!
