Sunday, September 26, 2010

write off

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have officially set up my Missions Account with YWAM Kona. Which, is good news for the both of us because it means that the donations you send my way through the "partnership" link at the bottom of this post, are now tax-deductible, and they will end up in my possession far quicker than if they were to be sent via snail mail or even through my old PayPal account. Praise Jesus? Absolutely. Most sincere apologies for the time it took to arrange this, it's always just a bit hectic around here.

So, there we go. Good news all around. You win, I win, the Kingdom of God advances.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Dear Faithful Blog Reader,
I am in Kona now, seeking transportation for the next four months. If you feel so inclined to support this cause, I have this idea that you could purchase a vehicle for me, and when I leave, I will sell it, and return to you the money made from the sale, so you would be supporting me with the difference, and an amazing, amazing blessing of wheels.

How do you feel about that?
